1/25/04: I've finally gotten around to doing some major updates to this part of the site, including the oft-delayed plot guides (in progress). The Corrector Yui Character Info has been up and running for some time, so hopefully it will be helpful to those interested in checking out the US anime release. Similarly, in the next month or so, I'll post a new image gallery for Steam Detectives, and compose the "Other Projects" section.
3/26/03: Eek! I happened to pop over to the Corrector Yui Image Gallery, and none of the thumbnails were there! Sorry, folks, I must've flaked out. All of the mini-pictures are there now, so you can freely browse the pages now... I resolve to do the Character Gallery for Yui this month (April), and keep an eye out for information & images from the non-series Asamiya projects (Phantom Menace, Uncanny X-Men, and Batman: Child of Dreams).
9/28/02: Ah, the first blush of fall is in the air, and there's not much news on the horizon. It looks like more folks are checking out this site (yeah!) so I guess I'd better do some updates (heh). Keep an eye out for some actual information for the Corrector Yui characters, now that I've actually *read* the story. There are also some spiffy Compiler/Assembler 0X pictures on the production line, as well as a manga sample gallery. Don't expect whole books, just some funny/scary/gritty art from the various Studio TRON productions, plus Okamoto's Corrector Yui.
7/25/02: Well, it's been a heck of a year. Summertime licensing announcements include both the Corrector Yui and Steam Detectives TV shows, although actual release dates are still in the air. Hopefully we'll see these titles start up before the end of the year (in time for Christmas shopping!) but that's a wait-and-see thing. The Okamoto version of the Corrector Yui manga is approaching the end of its first-half run, and the Steam Detectives manga is approaching the end of its English run, although that's a bit farther off. On the horizon, Asamiya is slated as a featured Guest of Honor at AnimeNEXT in New Jersey. It's an untested con, so we'll see how it fares in this new autumn con season in NYC. Still no word on Batman, DA:PR, or Mobius Klein, but Nadesico: Prince of Darkness looks like it might get a release this year. Dare we dream for a theatrical sub? Be still my heart :)
11/16/01: Dark Angel's ending, Corrector Yui's starting, Steam Detectives is being re-edited for content, and still no word on when/if either DA: Phoenix Resurrection or Mobius Klein will be continued. Despair seems like it's on the horizon, but wait! Mariela the Seer (auth. of Anime-on-DVD's "Grand High Licensing List") proclaims that DC will release Batman: Child of Dreams in the US! And much rejoicing was heard...
7/16/01: An era of mystery has ended. From interviews at Anime Expo 2001, Kia Asamiya has admitted that "Michitaka Kikuchi" is not his Studio TRON co-founder, but actually another one of his pseudonyms. Furthermore, he announced his plans to move to New York City and continue his collaborations with Image and Marvel Comics.
5/28/01: According to their website, Tokyopop, parent company of Mixx Manga, has acquired the rights to release Okamoto's version of the Corrector Yui manga. Keep an eye out for those hordes of CY merchandising.