I've been reading the Eddings' books for at least 10 years, and they've only gotten better. Sticking to the vein of quest-type adventure fantasy, each of these tales approaches the familiar material from different angles, with enough variations in attitude and pacing to keep it fresh. The 'Good vs. Evil' premise is handled with a good dose of self-aware humor and a refreshingly pragmatic attitude. Those aspects are balanced by old-fashioned romance among young and old, to good effect. Although the sheer volume of recent works has decreased, the content still packs a good punch. You could say these days that the Eddings write the most cost-efficient adventure epics around.
for (Pre-)Teens: Pawn of Prophecy. A confused boy is troubled by unsettling mysteries surrounding his heritage and destiny. Protected by family and friends, he finds himself at the center of a maelstrom of sorcery, politics, and war. Faced with a barrage of supernatural experiences, he usually wonders, "Why me?".